I must look like something the cat dragged in. 我当时看上去一定很邋遢。
From time to time one of the drinkers looked into the street, and exclaimed," It's as black as an oven!" or," One must needs be a cat to go about the streets without a lantern at this hour!" 不时有一个酒客望着街上大声说:“简直黑得象个洞!”或是说:“只有猫儿才能在这种时刻不带灯笼上街!”
But we must make a provision for winter, or else we shall suffer from hunger, said the cat, and you, little mouse, cannot venture everywhere, or you will be caught in a trap some day. 我们得准备过冬的东西了,不然我们到冬天会挨饿的,猫说,至于你嘛,我的小老鼠,哪里也不要去,我真怕你会被什么老鼠夹子夹住。
The third time I figured it must be the cat, and decided to catch him out, so set the camera up and left it going all day, 'he wrote. 第三次我猜想准是猫咪干的,并且决定要抓它现形。所有我就架好了摄像机,让它一整天都在自动摄影。
Then the oldest mouse said, All mice must come to my hole tonight, and we will think what we can do about this cat. 这时,最老的一只老鼠说:今天晚上,所有的老鼠必须到我的洞里来,我们要想办法,来对付这只猫。
Then, whenever you wish to see me, all you must do is close your eyes, said the Cat. 那么,无论什么时候你想见我,你只要闭上你的眼睛就可以了。猫说。
There are a lot of mice in our house, we must get a cat. 我们的房子里有很多老鼠,必须弄只猫来。
I must finish painting the cat within five minutes. 我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫。
We must put a bell on the cat. 我们一定要在猫的身上挂一个铃铛。
You must be close-mouthed and never let the cat out of the bag. 你们一定得守口如瓶,千万不能泄漏出去。
You must have me confused with some other cat. 你肯定认错我是其他人了。
I usually heard the news that someone's food had been stolen, and they said that it must be the masterpiece of the cat. 我也曾经常听到有某些人抱怨他们家的食物被猫偷吃了,而且还说这肯定是我家那只猫的杰作。
To solve this problem, to know the origin of the arising of greed, hatred and delusion, we must watch our minds, like a cat that waits for a chance to grab a mouse. 想要解决这个问题,想要知道贪、瞋、痴生起的起源,我们必须观照我们的心,必须像一只等待机会去捉老鼠的猫。
They must promise to look after their new dog or cat well. 他们必须有保证照看好他们的狗和猫。
Wow! You must be allergic to my cat. 哇!你一定对我的猫过敏。
Since these foods are often less palatable than the commercial foods, you must be patient and persistent in your efforts to get your cat to eat the prescribed diet. 因为这些食物通常比市售食物不美味,你必须更有耐心让猫咪吃处方食品。
That reminds me. I must feed the cat. 对了,我该喂猫了。
I also looked in the pantry and then the laundry room, thinking that the cat must be hiding behind the washer or dryer. Still, no cat. 我还看了储藏室,洗衣房,心想猫咪一定躲在洗衣机或者烘干机后面,但是还是没有找到。
All vaccinations, blood samples and blood testing required by AQIS must be conducted whilst the cat or dog is resident in an AQIS approved country. 所有AQIS要求的疫苗接种、血液样本采集和血清检测都必须同时在猫、狗居住的经AQIS认证的国家完成。
This game must be played with at least one other cat. 这个游戏一定要和至少另外一只猫玩。
We must protect the bird from the cat. 我们必须防止小鸟遭到猫的伤害。
I think that must be her holding the cup and looking like the cat that stole the cream! 我想那捧着奖杯,看上去得意扬扬的,一定是她。